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Meta Title Not Overriding Manufacturer Name Like in a Product


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Hello everyone, here is an issue that I really must have fixed.


Under the manufacturers section the meta title does not override the manufacturer name like it should as a product meta title works


Right now it's this: {meta title} {manufacturer}- site name


Should Be: {meta title} {empty} - site name


Can you tell me has this been fixed in the updated versions. I am currently using and will be upgrading shop 1.4.8 before my webdesigner starts to build me a new theme.


I saw on the bug issue site that the 1.5 version had the same issue and was fixed.


Please help as I posted this issue a long time ago with no replies at all..

Edited by clayton29657 (see edit history)
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  /* Manufacturers specifics meta tags */
  elseif ($id_manufacturer = self::getValue('id_manufacturer'))
   $page_number = (int)self::getValue('p');
   $row = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('
   SELECT `name`, `meta_title`, `meta_description`, `meta_keywords`
   FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer_lang` ml
   LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON (ml.`id_manufacturer` = m.`id_manufacturer`)
   WHERE ml.id_lang = '.(int)($id_lang).' AND ml.id_manufacturer = '.(int)($id_manufacturer));
   if ($row)
	 if (empty($row['meta_description']))
	  $row['meta_description'] = strip_tags($row['meta_description']);
	 $row['meta_title'] .=  (!empty($page_number) ? ' ('.$page_number.')' : '');
	 $row['meta_title'] .= ' - '.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME');
	 return self::completeMetaTags($row, $row['meta_title']);


Replace with this at classes/tools.php



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