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Custom/specific price for a product type (disable stock control for single attribute)


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I need a function (checkbox or select field), which changes the product price ,but don't affect to product quantity.


What i'm trying to do? (i'm using version

for example:


ticket with option: normal and reduced(student). Reduced option should be of course lower price(eg 50%.)


What i tried?:

- i can add attribute eg. ticket_type and set values normal and reduced,

but i have a bunch of other attributes such as time,day,month and adding another attribute doubles combinations number and creates stock qty problem.


- i can also create a specific users group eg. user_students, but i don't think that it is a good solution.

Because user_students won't be able to buy normal ticket if he wants to buy ticket for someone else.


- The next thing i can do is catalog price rule assigned to product feature, but unfortunatelly product feature isn't selectable(changable)- it is persistent once assigned to product.


- i can also create cart rule(voucher), which can be realized at checkout page, but what if someone wants to buy more tickets ? is it possible to multiplicate the same coupon ?



So i think that the best approach would be attribute ticket_type which is not subtracting from stock qty(exculded from stock control). But at this moment, i don't now which file i need to modify to achieve that.

The second possible solution are vouchers, but once again at this moment i don't know how to multiply one voucher by product chosen qty.


Any advice? maybe different approach, or any available module ?


Regards, Tom

Edited by avathar (see edit history)
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