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Is there a way to speed up Back Office

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I was wondering if there are some tricks to speed up the loading time of the pages in Back Office?


Specifically when I want to add a new product to the catalog or modify an existing one I find it takes quite long to load, my estimate is about 5 seconds.


Can I remove the tabs from the add a new product pages that I don't use? (i.e. 3. Prices 4. Combinations 5. Features 6. Customization 7. Attachments)


I also find it "hangs" a bit after loading the first tab (1. Info) until it loads the next tabs (2. Images and the rest).


Any thoughts?


I am using Prestashop

Edited by lettersets (see edit history)
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Remove any disabled items/categories. Remove (delete) all modules that are not installed (you can always add them from install zip). Rely on your server's stat packages (Analog, Awstats, Webalizer etc) or Google (Analytics, AdSense, webmasters console etc) instead and remove PS stat modules as well (this will help FO too). If you can afford look for a dedicated server, this will definetely solve all your problems.


Modifying core files to remove tabs is not a good idea as it will cuase headaches when you want to upgrade.

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Remove any disabled items/categories. Remove (delete) all modules that are not installed (you can always add them from install zip). Rely on your server's stat packages (Analog, Awstats, Webalizer etc) or Google (Analytics, AdSense, webmasters console etc) instead and remove PS stat modules as well (this will help FO too). If you can afford look for a dedicated server, this will definetely solve all your problems.


Thanks, I'll start doing that. What is the best practice to remove modules? Via BO (Modules > Delete) or by removing the entire folder manually?


And where can I edit what is and isn't saved in the Stats?


Thanks for your help.

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Thanks, I'll start doing that. What is the best practice to remove modules? Via BO (Modules > Delete) or by removing the entire folder manually?
For uninstalled modules, it does not matter either way. For any installed module you want to remove, uninstall it first in BO before deleting so the module can do any required clean-up


And where can I edit what is and isn't saved in the Stats?

Editing will be a messy business. With stat modules it is best all or nothing. So disable/remove the ones you are not using under Stats category of modules tab.

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Thanks for the advice.


- I went through all the modules and uninstalled & deleted any that I'm not using or don't see myself needing in the near future.

- I have hardly any categories and products disabled

- I removed a fair bit of Stats modules, but left the ones I'd like to use

- A dedicated server is not an option, unfortunately


I don't really notice a difference in the BO loading speed. Do you have any other suggestions?

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How slow is slow? Also give some figures to determine the shop size (categories/items/customers/orders/features). And some figures about your hosting package and hardware it is hosted on. PM if you don't want to publish those figures publicly.

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To give you an idea of the speed:


- When I click on a product for editing, the loading time is 5.6 sec. (although at the bottom of the page Prestashop tells me the loading time is 0.380s)

- When I click on the Catalog tab, the loading time is 4.4 sec (although at the bottom of the page Prestashop tells me the loading time is 0.133s)


At the moment my shop is roughly this size (I just transferred to Prestashop a few weeks ago):

- 200 products

- 60 orders

- 80 customers

- 16 categories


My hosting package is with GoDaddy.


Operating System: Linux

Hosting Configuration: 2.0

PHP Version: PHP 5.2

Bandwidth Allotment: Unlimited (last month used 6,400 MB)

Disk Space Allotment: 150,000 MB (using 580 MB)

Hosting Platform: 2GH Classic Hosting (Shared)


Thanks for looking into this for me!



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Hmmm... yes the loading times seems to be too long. BO figures you gave should not cause any problem for PS even on a GoDaddy shared plan. Do you have performace tweaks turned on (BO > Preferences > Performance)?


If not using already, download Chrome. Tools > Developer Tools (a pane will open at the lower half of screen) Select Timeline in top tabs, uncheck scripting and rendering at the bottom and record loading of catalog tab and a product page. The resultant graph will give you a good idea what is causing the delay. You may need to repeat a few times, clearing cache in between to have a better idea. Delaying events will be apperent.

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Thanks. I downloaded Google Chrome and did a few recordings with the Developer Tools, which appear to be a very handy resource! I am not quite sure how to read it though. Do I look at just the darker blue or the entire line, including the light blue part?


I've included some screen shots, maybe you can have a look?


It shows that there are 767 captured records, which seems like a lot.

It sometimes gives me the error "event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future." But I am not sure what jquery is.


Does something jump out at you when you look at it?











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  • 3 weeks later...

The resultant graph will give you a good idea what is causing the delay.


Hi phrasespot, I was wondering if you'd be able to have a look at the screenshots above to see if you notice anything causing the load loading time. Thanks for your help!

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Does something jump out at you when you look at it?


When looking at those screens ignore everything except Send request items. Those tell you when the request was sent with reference to original request and the time it took complete it. You can ignore all error messages.

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When looking at those screens ignore everything except Send request items. Those tell you when the request was sent with reference to original request and the time it took complete it.


I see a bunch of "Send Request (blank)" What does that mean? (see image 4 above)


Also, it there a way to see more records in the developer tools? Right now it's only showing the first 150ish records, but I'd like to see them all and can't see to find a way how.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 7 months later...

My servers are in the US for the benefits of my customers but I am not located in the US. BO speeds are naturally slowly due to geo distance. Would love to know if anyone found ways to get the actual browser load time for BO under 2 sec.


eg. editing codes/classes, more RAM/CPU, Cloudflare Railgun (possible?), APC php accelerator for BO?, changing the way BO queries mysql, CDN selected images/js/css files (there are many images/js/css that are repeats and pointless to load from origin server) ?

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