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Could we set up a special shipping method for certain product?

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For certain products, we want to set up one special shipping method, and hide all other carriers.


Is that possible?


That is not possible. Carriers are chosen depending on what zone the delivery address is in.


Without taking a closer look, it might be possible to do with a module and hooking on the processCarrier hook. If not, core override is what you'd need to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same requirement for one of my shops.


I've even purchased: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-logistics/10[spam-filter]multiples-carriers-multiples-transporteurs.html


But so far still can't get it to work ( and had no support from the developer! )


If I setup up everything on weights it's fine as long as nobody add products that require seperate carriers, when they do it then offers a carrier that isn't possible for that product and also the shipping cost will be wrong.


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