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Florida Tax Rules Help

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In Florida each county has an additional surtax that must be paid on top of the state tax of 6%. I Went under shipping and created all these counties under Florida and entered the zip codes associated with each. Then I created a tax rule under Florida where Florida is just State tax at 6% and then for example Alachua would be both state and county but Alachua doesnt have a surtax so it is set to no tax


and then baker has a 1% surtax so that one is set to 1%. I then went to an individual product and changed the tax rule to "Florida Tax plus County Surtax" which is the tax rule that has all the individual counties in it.


When I go to the front page and try to buy the product and put in an address with the zip code from Baker it still only configures 6%. when it should be 7.


Is there something else I am missing? Is there a module for this?


I cant sell in florida without fixing this.





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Well you almost got it however the correct way to do this is to set state tax at 6% as you did.

Create all counties under shipping with the zips assosiated with that county as you did.


Then under payment/taxes create all the counties with the addition tax info, by the way Sales tax in Alachua county is 6.25% so the additional tax would be .25%.




Now under tax rules/ Forida you need to add the addition tax and set to apply both taxes if no additional county tax is applied set to apply state tax only.




Some things are hard to remember as it has been some time since I set mine up.


When entering products you only need to choose Fla. 6% in the tax drop down list.


After you do this post And I will try to answer any additional questions.


By the way mine works perfectly.


What was your solution to the zips that are in several counties, I moved mine to the county with the higher sales tax.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi. I tried different ways, but still, the county tax doesn´t appear.

Right now I have only 1 tax rule for FLorida, where I added all county taxes where applicable, and set the tax first line (State only) and each additional county where there is a surtax I selected "both taxes".

Also, all products on the catalog were set to be affected by FL tax.

Still, no county tax gets added. Only the 6%.

Anybody knows how to fix this?

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  • 3 months later...

So far I've only found two methods

1) manually input all the zip codes into presta shop with their appropriate tax percentage.

I used this website to get the percentages.



The issue is tax rates can change.


If anyone knows how to export/import them LET ME KNOW. I'm happy to save and share what I did I just don't know how. It was a lot of typing.....


2) Avalara has a plugin that is a reasonable price. That handles tax rate for you. I haven't tried it yet but it looks promising. It also updates tax rate daily. They also have a neat feature to submit your taxes for you for a small fee.

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If anyone can tell me how to make my shop not ship to Florida. Or give me a step by step idiots guide to making taxes work at a county level I would be greatful I have read what has been written and still can't do it. I wanted to help you all a little bit. Here is the official florida tax rates including when they will change.




Avalara was going to be something like $80 a year for me. Thats a lot of money for a small bussiness like mine.

Edited by everything4scrapbooking (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

As I said before the taxes will work fine if you just follow the steps in the video you should be able to get it to work.


Here is how I did it:


First go to Payment > Taxes and enter all the counties should look like this.





Now go to Shipping > Counties this kinda sucks but you will need to enter all the counties again this time with their zip codes.

Click on add new select Florida enter a county select save and stay now enter the zips one by one as I did here.

As you go on you will find zips that are already in use just bypass the zip and go on to the next.

Should look like this.






Finally you just need to apply the rule this is simple as its just getting the drop downs set.

Go to Payment > Tax Rules select edit for Florida, when the page opens make sure you are on the North America tab then click the + to open United states then the + to open Florida and set the tax rules all counites should be set to apply both taxes.

Should look like this.





Be sure to add the counties that don't have a surtax and set to apply both taxes even though the amount is 0% as if you do not when someone from one of these counties purchases something Prestashop seems to pull a tax out of its ---.

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  • 5 months later...

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