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[SOLVED] Ajax animation problem on adding chart

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I'm experiencing a strange problem. I changed background color of the store at global.css as:


.clearfix {

background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F3F3F3;





.clearfix {

background-color: #F3F3F3;




after one of this changes, prestashop is no longer showing add to chart animation. Actually, it only shows last part of the animation when picture is about to fade out and near the cart -at the top part of the store.


When I delete #F3F3F3, problem disappears.


Any idea?

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Hi there,


I finally figured out the problem and now it's solved. Actually, I tried several times to modify ajax-cart.js in modules/blokcart2 but it didn't work. I finally realized that I should modify ajax-cart.js in js\modules\blockcart2.


Anyway, what I did is below:


I changed line 224


before the modification:

$picture.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': $picture.css('top'), 'left': $picture.css('left')})

after modification:

$picture.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': $picture.css('top'), 'left': $picture.css('left'), 'z-index':'1000' })


I didn't try lower z values but it's probably going to work with low values.



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