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Adapting a custom file to prestashop


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Hi everyone, my module is in the final lap but I need to make a file which isn't included in admin panel or in hooks, the file must work with my ajax querys but I have a some troubles with this file. So my files is named: moderate.php


To work with database I must include /classes/Db.php code:

require '../../classes/Db.php';
$db = Db::getInstance();

The erros is:

Fatal error: Class 'Db' not found in /home/gtsvetan/public_html/presta/modules/my_module_name/moderate.php on line 4


When I try with class name in the file Db.php - DbCore the following error is:

Fatal error: Class 'MySQL' not found in /home/gtsvetan/public_html/presta/classes/Db.php on line 87


I include /classes/MySQL.php

The code is:

require '../../classes/Db.php';
require '../../classes/MySQL.php';
$db = Db::getInstance();

The erros is (with DbCore::getInstance() or Db::getInstance()):

Fatal error: Class 'Db' not found in /home/gtsvetan/public_html/presta/classes/MySQL.php on line 28


So how to fix that or how to make a file which can working with database?

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So I examined the classes, controllers and config files. Class files are structored like this: filename = Db.php / classname = DbCore and etc with all class files. In folder /config the file named autoload.php is a simple function which include/require files in the system.


So I'll investigate where is the point with this file...

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The solution is: Just include config.inc.php and enJoy :) When you are included this file everything will works :)


Hi, Thank you for your generosity.
It's so hard to find help and solution for our problems... Problems caused by a poor documentation.
I love prestashop, but their support is very poor!
I hope prestashop become greater than Magento.
Thank you again.
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