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Matrice Theme Issue

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Hey all, I am using the matrice theme, I'm converting the theme to a fashion theme.


However, I have a problem. When viewing the shopping cart (URL - localhost/order-opc.php), there are several heading which are - Secure payment, Quick delivery, Respect Privacy and Contact. I need to edit these as I need to input my own number on the contact section.

I have tried to edit these but there is no sign of it anywhere. I have tried to edit order-opc.php but theres only 2 lines which are:





I have flicked through every file and the heading are nowhere to be seen. I have also tried looking in cart coding and nope!


I have attached the heading which I want to change.


I hope someone can put some light on this.


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Just an update. A file called order-steps.tpl has the wording:



{* Assign a value to 'current_step' to display current style *}

<div class="global_steps">

<div id="commitment">



<h6>{l s='Secure payments'}</h6>

<p>{l s='we do not store any of your credit card details and have no access to your credit card information at any time'}</p>



<h6>{l s='Quick delivery'}</h6>

<p>{l s='we deliver within 48h with Colissimo'}</p>



<h6>{l s='Respect privacy'}</h6>

<p>{l s=' we do not sell or rent your personnal information to anyone'}</p>



<h6>{l s='Contact'}</h6>

<p>{l s='[email protected]'}<p>

<p>{l s='Phone'} : <span><b>{l s='01354 123456'}</a></b></p>

<p><a href="{$base_dir}cms.php?id_cms=5"><img src="{$img_dir}payment_logo.png" /></a></p>





However, I do not think this is what I need as I have changed some stuff and even deleted the ALL coding and it still displays?????

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