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[Solved] Stuck at Step 3 Database Configuration during Install

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Hi All,


I have been trying to install the latest version of Prestashop v1.4.5.1 for 2 days now and have been looking through all the forums after reading the instructions but cannot get past Step 3!


I am using JustHostMe.co.uk shared hosting and have confirmed that PHP is v5.2.17, I have created a .htaccess file & php.ini which disable Magic Quotes and have 755 permisson on folders with 644 on files. I get all green ticks on the checks on Step 2 and get through to Database Configuration fine. In the DB Config, I input all details and then click "verify" and it works ok. I can send a test email ok too. I click on the Next button and all I get is twirly arrows for approx 5 sec and then I am still on the DB Config page! I don't get any error messages and have to Drop all the tables to have another go. Totally frustrating!


If I am logged into phpMyAdmin I can see that the Tables are being created although it takes at least 15 secs for 155 Tables and then it gets to 163 after about 30 secs. During this time phpMyAdmin gives "Page cannot be displayed" upon refresh until it has finished the tables. Is the SQL box too slow as it is taking so long? Maybe the SQL server is not sending a "success" message back to the installer quick enough, could this be why I get nowhere? I think the fact that the installer goes back to the DB Config page after only 5 secs is too quick.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Right, it was fixed by moving to another much less loaded server by the hosting company. As I suspected, the SQL server I was on was overloaded and it wasn't able to respond quickly enough. The SQL transactions on the new server are 16x fewer! All 163 tables were created in less than a second and so the installer moved on to Step 4 ok.


I thought I would post this up to help anyone else who is inexplicably getting stuck on Step 3.

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