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I want to use h1 text that isn't the size of a house.


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I saw somewhere here on the forum that there is a trick to making your text h1, without making it, like, this big! How do I do that please? I have tried setting the text to h1 in the tinyMCE and then reducing the font size, and that works, but leaves the spaces between the lines very large still.

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Thank you Greetz. I hadn't thought of that angle of attack. On that line h1 is pre-set as 1.1em. But the font I see when I use h1 is 2em.


I was able to fix this on my homepage by tweaking the tpl (from memory) and I suppose I could do that for all the other pages. But I got the impression there was a trick to doing this with the tinyMCE that was simpler.

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