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[Solved] Is it safe to modify the EAN13 field?

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in addition to the Supplier Reference, I need a field supplier description. I am not using the EAN13, so I thought I could rename it and change the input size for my purposes.


But is this safe to do?


I am worried that PS1.4.5 might need the EAN field, and that renaming it in the AdminProduct fiel might disrupt my shop.


Does anyone know?


Thank you in advance for your help!


Best regards,



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It's an easy thing to say that it's NOT safe to modifie the Prestashop core.


It should be (very) better to not touch anthing, or, at least, create an OTHER field, and ADD IT to the database and the smarty templates... Indeed, you woud n t be removing something that *might* be nedded in the prestashop core and/or PS core opérations and functions.

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The supplier object has a name and description - is there a reason why you wouldn't use them instead of changing a completely unrelated field? I'm assuming you mean a description of the supplier of course..... if not and it's a supplier's description of the product, then another option would be to use the short description for one and the long description for the other.


If neither of the above works for you, then I agree with hellotheworld that you should only be adding (via an override) fields rather than trying to pervert an existing field for your own use.



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Hi there,


thank you for your replies. Some of my suppliers use really long codes AND descriptions, both of which I need for ordering from them. I wanted to use Prestashop as a centralized product / warehouse management, and in order to do so, I would need to put the info in there somewhere.


I am not good at coding (I'm more a sales guy) and modifying the field would have been within my technical skills. An override is not. I guess I'll just add it to my list of thinks I need to custom order sooner or later then.


Thank you very much for your help!


And have a great weekend!



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