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(MODULES) display template located outside the current module dir

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In my shop I have a subdir called /banners/

I placed inside this subdir a few pictures, and created a module to display those pictures, since I am not quite an expert at PHP, I just create a template file and located it in the /banners/ subdir.

My intention is to isntall my module and use that template ( this is because another ftp user is going to upload the template from time to time , and I dont want to give him access to the module dir )

Thus I have this piece of code

function hookHome($params)
	global $smarty,$cookie;
	return $this->display(__FILE__,'pe_blockslider.tpl');

I am having a hard time to replace the value of __FILE__ with the subdir where my template is, any idea what I should do ?

I tried this but with no successful result

return $this->display(__PS_BASE_URI__.'banners/','pe_blockslider.tpl');

thanks and regards


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