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Malware detected in 1.4.4 messing up my entire jQuery ajax


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Windows 7 OS.

Prestashop 1.4.4


My site was fine at 6:00pm 8/23 then at 7:58 pm 5/23 I noticed my site isn't functioning properly.


I sent a ticket to my host and this was found.



/home/sfbm/public_html/videos/wp-content/themes/zzz/scripts/cache/dd58e9270114ad1f95c0e3da514a2b6c.php: PHP.Hide.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

/home/sfbm/public_html/videos/wp-content/themes/zzz/scripts/cache/7e30804b68501ac775c35e1db21b502f.php: PHP.Hide.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

/home/sfbm/public_html/webstore/download/647226b6ef10264fb0c2c5336a924ef7.php: Atomicorp.honeypot.hex.php.cmdshell.unclassed.338.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

/home/sfbm/public_html/webstore/upload/647226b6ef10264fb0c2c5336a924ef7.php: Atomicorp.honeypot.hex.php.cmdshell.unclassed.338.UNOFFICIAL FOUND


The attacker was able to access my account by using your store's admin interface.


/usr/local/apache/domlogs/sfbm/-----.com: IP ADDRESS - - [23/Aug/2011:19:18:12 -0500] "POST /webstore/admin/ajax.php HTTP/1.1" 200 20 "http://-----.com/webstore/admin/index.php?tab=AdminTools&token=a14d47e372b19cd728aace" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/IP ADDRESS Safari/ADDRESS"



Now my whole ajax categories and cart is messed up. Site doesn't function the same anymore.






This was detected when I was browsing my website.

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