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How to add an image to a Template?

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I've been trying to customise my product.tpl to include an image (this would be the same image for all products) I've tried to do this by using the code below - but when I preview in a browser the page is completely blank.


Here is the code I've been using:


<ul id="usefull_link_block">


<li><a href="javascript:print();">{l s='Print'}</a><br class="clear" /></li>

{if $have_image && !$jqZoomEnabled}

<li><span id="view_full_size" class="span_link">{l s='View full size'}</span></li>




-------------------------------THIS IS WHAT I'VE ADDED----------------------------------------------

<img src="http://www.designplus-shop.co.uk/themes/p55_gloss_red/img/product-images/emb-free.jpg" />






Would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.





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