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How to do some light header modification default theme

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I think that I wont be able to do this from back office. I have included a picture to better explain what I would like to achieve.

Im not sure how to do this since all of the elements in question are in one hook.


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OK, but I'm not sure how exactly.

The elements I want to move are inside one hook (HOOK_TOP).

For example, I'd create a new

and position it below logo, but the elements I wan't moved around are iside one hook (HOOK_TOP).
If I would move hook_top to this new div everything (currency, languages, search, etc) would go below logo, but I wan't only two modules (links and user panel) below logo.

Do I need to create a new hook in my case ?
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I still don't understand how.

Lets take code below as an example (it's header.tpl)

header_logo is floated left
header_right is floated right and it also contains modules (currencies, languages etc), which are part of HOOK_TOP

How can I put elements outside header_right if their all inside HOOK_TOP (see "real code")

For instance, If I will style "currencies_block_top" it will still be inside "header_right"

Live code (when viewing from a browser)



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