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Wrong images on Most Viewed (PS 8.0.1 - dashproducts 2.1.1 -- possibly not fixed yet)


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If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me, we don't usually go this deep into any CMS so we can be under some wrong assumptions on this.

Also, since I cannot enter forge.ps I'll post here in the meantime,

Watching the dashproducts module we've detected that the 'most viewed' tab shows wrong images for products, it can easily be resolved by changing line 332 (in function getTableMostViewed) of dashproducts.php

from ($product_obj->id)

'product_mini_' . $product_obj->id . '.' . $this->context->controller->imageType,

to ($row_image['id_image'])



We checked on github (https://github.com/PrestaShop/dashproducts/blob/dev/dashproducts.php) and the development branch is still using product_obj->id so we understand it's still happening on the latest versions of the module.

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