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Product combinations price


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Hello there !

I am asking for any help or advice, how am I supposed to set product's combinations prices via attributes, because I have like 15 products with 1150 combinations and every combination vary from basic price. Administration only gives me option to edit price directly inside product's combination, but if I have to edit every single 1152 combination I will get mad...

I hope for any answer.


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1 hour ago, hwit said:

 how am I supposed to set product's combinations prices via attributes, because I have like 15 products with 1150 combinations and every combination vary from basic price. Administration only gives me option to edit price directly inside product's combination, but if I have to edit every single 1152 combination I will get mad...

I hope for any answer.

If every combination has an extra set of rules that is how to do it, one by one.
I wonder if you sell something? That sounds awfully complicated.

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4 hours ago, hwit said:

Yes I am selling interior doors, and if that is an only way, then I need to replace PrestaShop with something else, because that is slavery


1150 combinations is really a lot. It is better for attributes that do not affect price, such as opening (right / left), to create a category Right and create a category Left. Then you will have much less combinations. Other e-shop systems will also have other problems.

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  • 2 months later...

There are several modules recommended for you to batch edit product and attribute combinations:

Product Combinations Bulk Generate Manager



Advanced Bulk/Mass Set Product(Category,Price) Pro


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