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PS : Erreur en mode debug personnalisation "Notice: Undefined index: product_availability" (RESOLU)

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Je cherche à régler un problème en mode debug sur les fiches produit avec personnalisation.
Au moment d'enregistrer la personnalisation, voici un bug :

 (1/1) ContextErrorException

Notice: Undefined index: product_availability
in 44905c4d138084cba0527b43f6aa8be542635a23_2.file.header.tpl.php line 93
at content_65142726a42851_34891978(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_template_resource_base.php line 123
at Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_template_compiled.php line 114
at Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_internal_template.php line 216
at Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 0)in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 232
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(object(SmartyDevTemplate), null, null, null, 0)in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(null, null, null, null, false, true, false)in SmartyDevTemplate.php line 40
at SmartyDevTemplateCore->fetch()in Module.php line 2449
at ModuleCore->display('/home/mbcquuge/public_html/modules/ps_facebook/ps_facebook.php', 'views/templates/hook/header.tpl')in PixelHandler.php line 110
at PixelHandler->handleEvent(array('event_type' => 'CustomizeProduct', 'event_time' => 1695820244, 'user' => array('city' => null, 'countryIso' => null, 'postCode' => null, 'phone' => null, 'stateIso' => null, 'gender' => null, 'birthday' => null, 'firstname' => null, 'lastname' => null, 'email' => null), 'eventID' => 'CustomizeProduct_1695820244_651429d4f33129.43188381'), 'hookDisplayHeader')in EventDispatcher.php line 96
at EventDispatcher->dispatch('hookDisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))in ps_facebook.php line 339
at Ps_facebook->hookDisplayHeader(array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))in Hook.php line 1007
at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(Ps_facebook), 'hookDisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))in Hook.php line 431
at HookCore::callHookOn(object(Ps_facebook), 'displayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))in Hook.php line 944
at HookCore::exec('displayHeader')in FrontController.php line 598
at FrontControllerCore->initContent()in ProductController.php line 417
at ProductControllerCore->initContent()in Controller.php line 306
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 525
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28

Auriez-vous une solution ?


Edited by gouna (see edit history)
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le souci semble venir du module ps_facebook dans le fichier header.tpl où il doit être fait référence à un élément du tableau du produit qui cherche product_availability qui n'existe pas, donc il faudrait contrôler dans le code avec un isset() avant d'appeler cet élément.

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Effectivement j'ai désactivé le module "PS Social with Facebook & Instagram v1.31.0" et le problème n'est plus présent.

Voici la portion de code du fichier PixelHandler.php 

    public function handleEvent($params, $hookName)
        $pixel_id = $this->configurationAdapter->get(Config::PS_PIXEL_ID);
        if (empty($pixel_id)) {
            return '';
        $track = 'track';

        $eventType = false;
        if (isset($params['event_type'])) {
            $eventType = $params['event_type'];
        if (isset($params['user'])) {
            $userData = $params['user'];

        $content = $eventData = [];
        if (isset($params['eventID'])) {
            $eventData = ['eventID' => $params['eventID']];
        if (isset($params['custom_data'])) {
            $content = $params['custom_data'];

        $smartyVariables = [
            'pixel_fc' => $this->module->front_controller,
            'id_pixel' => $pixel_id,
            'type' => $eventType,
            'content' => $this->formatPixel($content),
            'track' => $track,
            'eventData' => $this->formatPixel($eventData),

        if (isset($userData)) {
            $smartyVariables['userInfos'] = $this->getCustomerInformation($userData);

        $content = '';

        if ($hookName === 'hookDisplayHeader') {

            $content .= $this->module->display($this->module->getfilePath(), 'views/templates/hook/header.tpl');

        $this->templateBuffer->add($this->module->display($this->module->getfilePath(), 'views/templates/hook/fbTrack.tpl'));

        // Return the existing content in case we have a display hook
        if (strpos($hookName, 'Display') === 4 && !$this->isCurrentRequestAnAjax()) {
            $content .= $this->templateBuffer->flush();

        return $content;


Edited by gouna (see edit history)
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<!-- Set Facebook Pixel Product Export -->
{if isset($page) }
  {if $page.page_name == 'product'}
      <meta property="og:type" content="product">
      <meta property="og:url" content="{$urls.current_url}">
      <meta property="og:title" content="{$page.meta.title}">
      <meta property="og:site_name" content="{$shop.name}">
      <meta property="og:description" content="{$page.meta.description}">
      <meta property="og:image" content="{$product.cover.large.url}">
      {if $product.show_price}
          <meta property="product:pretax_price:amount" content="{$product.price_tax_exc}">
          <meta property="product:pretax_price:currency" content="{$currency.iso_code}">
          <meta property="product:price:amount" content="{$product.price_amount}">
          <meta property="product:price:currency" content="{$currency.iso_code}">
      {if isset($product.weight) && ($product.weight != 0)}
          <meta property="product:weight:value" content="{$product.weight}">
          <meta property="product:weight:units" content="{$product.weight_unit}">
      {if isset($product_manufacturer->id)}
        <meta property="product:brand" content="{$product_manufacturer->name}">
      <meta property="product:availability" content="{$product_availability}">
      <meta property="product:condition" content="{$product.embedded_attributes.condition}">
      <meta property="product:retailer_item_id" content="{$retailer_item_id}">
      <meta property="product:item_group_id" content="{$product.id_product}">
      <meta property="product:category" content="{$item_group_id}"/>
<!-- END OF Set Facebook Pixel Product Export -->

Ca doit donc être cette section qui pose problème...


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Merci, l'erreur est toujours présente :

(1/1) ContextErrorException
Notice: Undefined index: product_availability

in 44905c4d138084cba0527b43f6aa8be542635a23_2.file.header.tpl.php line 94
at content_6516e9043b4b56_07726031(object(SmartyDevTemplate))
in smarty_template_resource_base.php line 123
at Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(object(SmartyDevTemplate))
in smarty_template_compiled.php line 114
at Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate))
in smarty_internal_template.php line 216
at Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 0)
in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 232
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(object(SmartyDevTemplate), null, null, null, 0)
in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(null, null, null, null, false, true, false)
in SmartyDevTemplate.php line 40
at SmartyDevTemplateCore->fetch()
in Module.php line 2449
at ModuleCore->display('/home/mbcquuge/public_html/modules/ps_facebook/ps_facebook.php', 'views/templates/hook/header.tpl')
in PixelHandler.php line 110
at PixelHandler->handleEvent(array('event_type' => 'CustomizeProduct', 'event_time' => 1696000296, 'user' => array('city' => null, 'countryIso' => null, 'postCode' => null, 'phone' => null, 'stateIso' => null, 'gender' => null, 'birthday' => null, 'firstname' => null, 'lastname' => null, 'email' => null), 'eventID' => 'CustomizeProduct_1696000296_6516e92841b9e2.82557702'), 'hookDisplayHeader')
in EventDispatcher.php line 96
at EventDispatcher->dispatch('hookDisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in ps_facebook.php line 339
at Ps_facebook->hookDisplayHeader(array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in Hook.php line 1007
at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(Ps_facebook), 'hookDisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in Hook.php line 431
at HookCore::callHookOn(object(Ps_facebook), 'displayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in Hook.php line 944
at HookCore::exec('displayHeader')
in FrontController.php line 598
at FrontControllerCore->initContent()
in ProductController.php line 417
at ProductControllerCore->initContent()
in Controller.php line 306
at ControllerCore->run()
in Dispatcher.php line 525
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()
in index.php line 28


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J'ai rajouté un "$" dans "{if isset($product_availability)}", l'erreur est maintenant celle-ci :

(1/1) ContextErrorException
Notice: Undefined index: retailer_item_id

in 44905c4d138084cba0527b43f6aa8be542635a23_2.file.header.tpl.php line 99
at content_6516ea2256d4f2_57375174(object(SmartyDevTemplate))
in smarty_template_resource_base.php line 123
at Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(object(SmartyDevTemplate))
in smarty_template_compiled.php line 114
at Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate))
in smarty_internal_template.php line 216
at Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 0)
in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 232
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(object(SmartyDevTemplate), null, null, null, 0)
in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(null, null, null, null, false, true, false)
in SmartyDevTemplate.php line 40
at SmartyDevTemplateCore->fetch()
in Module.php line 2449
at ModuleCore->display('/home/mbcquuge/public_html/modules/ps_facebook/ps_facebook.php', 'views/templates/hook/header.tpl')
in PixelHandler.php line 110
at PixelHandler->handleEvent(array('event_type' => 'CustomizeProduct', 'event_time' => 1696000554, 'user' => array('city' => null, 'countryIso' => null, 'postCode' => null, 'phone' => null, 'stateIso' => null, 'gender' => null, 'birthday' => null, 'firstname' => null, 'lastname' => null, 'email' => null), 'eventID' => 'CustomizeProduct_1696000554_6516ea2a659c43.48206645'), 'hookDisplayHeader')
in EventDispatcher.php line 96
at EventDispatcher->dispatch('hookDisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in ps_facebook.php line 339
at Ps_facebook->hookDisplayHeader(array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in Hook.php line 1007
at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(Ps_facebook), 'hookDisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in Hook.php line 431
at HookCore::callHookOn(object(Ps_facebook), 'displayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 6))
in Hook.php line 944
at HookCore::exec('displayHeader')
in FrontController.php line 598
at FrontControllerCore->initContent()
in ProductController.php line 417
at ProductControllerCore->initContent()
in Controller.php line 306
at ControllerCore->run()
in Dispatcher.php line 525
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()
in index.php line 28


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Je ne sais pas quelle version du module, vous utilisez, mais regardez si une mise à jour n'existerait pas pour corriger tous ces bugs, car il y a clairement un souci de développement actuellement sur ce module.

Et si malgré tout les problème persistent, contactez le support du module en question.

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  • gouna changed the title to PS : Erreur en mode debug personnalisation "Notice: Undefined index: product_availability" (RESOLU)

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