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Migrate shop from localhost to server


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Hi everybody
i'm trying to migrate my shop from localhost to my server, but I got several errors, even if I tried to clear cache, so I suppose that I'm wronging something.
In localhost I have my main dir called 'proj' and inside that I have my prestashop dir called 'catalogo'.
Assuming that I need to upload proj dir, to my server exposed via url 'https://www.proj.com', what steps should i follow?

Edited by ales496 (see edit history)
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1) In app/config/parameters.php I updated 'database_host' to my VPS ip and even database credentials;
2) In table 'ps_shop url' I updated 'domain' and 'domain_ssl' fields with https://project.com
3) In the same table I updated 'physical_uri' field with '/catalogo/'
4) Deleted everything in var/cache/

Between many warning I got the following error:
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/project/catalogo/var/cache/dev/appParameters.php'

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After editing permissions in every folder, now I get no errors, but if I try to connect to www.proj.com/catalogo Im redirected to https://https//www.proj.com//catalogo/ and of course the url doesnt work.

If I try to reach the admin folder instead, I got the error:
This page isn’t working
www.proj.com is currently unable to handle this request. 

In catalogo folder, the .htaccess file is not generated

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34 minutes ago, musicmaster said:

I am curious what you put as domain in ps_shop url. It should be the basic domain. So just "www.shop.com". No http and no slashes.

Instead, in domain ssl, should I use the same notation (www.shop.com) or have I to specify https before?

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You're right, but I can't try, because with both solutions I got:
Fatal error: Trait 'Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait' not found (/var/www/html/proj/catalogo/vendor/composer/../psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php)

I was editing previous question, but you answered too soon

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a) for every try: empty the cache. You can use Prestools for that or empty the /var/cache directory.

b) you are still murky. Please be crystal clear what you put into the ps_shop_url table. Consider adding a screen dump.

c) Provide a screen dump of the error. It will provide previous code steps that led to the error. You can blacken out private information.

d) Your error refers to a file. Look whether that file is present.

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3 minutes ago, musicmaster said:

See point d) of my previous reaction. Please react only when you exhaust my previous suggestions.

I already answered

"I can't find LoggerAwareTrait.php, but it doesn't exist neither in localhost."

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2 minutes ago, ales496 said:

I already answered

"I can't find LoggerAwareTrait.php, but it doesn't exist neither in localhost."

I don't care about localhost. I care about the file system.

In my PS 8.1 installation I see a file /vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php. If you don't have that file your installation is broken.

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I tried to edit physical_uri field in ps_shop_url table and after many attempts I noticed that writing just '/' it works, but it doesn't load css.

In browser console I got many times the following error:
Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet '<URL>'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

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18 minutes ago, ales496 said:

I tried to edit physical_uri field in ps_shop_url table and after many attempts I noticed that writing just '/' it works, but it doesn't load css.

In browser console I got many times the following error:
Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet '<URL>'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

Looks like you set in the backoffice to use http and then you called the shop in the browser with https.

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Now it works.
Many thanks for your help and your patient.

I enclose all the steps that I followed, hoping that in a future they can help someone:
1) In app/config/parameters.php I updated 'database_name', 'database_user' and 'database_password';
2) In table 'ps_shop url' I updated 'domain' and 'domain_ssl' fields with www.project.com
3) In the same table I updated 'physical_uri' field with '/catalogo/'
4) Deleted everything in var/cache/
5) Shop parameters -> General -> Enable SSL / Enable SSL in all pages

Edited by ales496 (see edit history)
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