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If I activate Geolocation, the prices are shown without taxes


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I've been thinking about the issue for a whole afternoon, I have two languages and two taxes (Spain and Portugal) configured as follows:

In Tax rules called "VAT"

Country Spain all provinces 21%

Country Portugal all provinces 23%


I have activated the taxes in the customer groups and until today the prices with 23% VAT were shown with IP de Portugal and with IP Spain the prices with 21%. MENTION THAT I HAD GEOLOCATION ACTIVATED AND EVERYTHING WORKED PERFECTLY


From today if I activate geolocation, the prices are shown directly without taxes (they are only seen in the cart step).

I have tried deleting the taxes, rules, reconfiguring them with other IDs, uploading an updated maxmind file and there is no way to show the visitor the prices with taxes if Geolocation is activated.

It's a huge prestashop bug.


Can anyone help me with this problem?


PS 8.0.3

Pd: This problem also come with Prestashop

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Check the geolocation settings in your Prestashop admin panel are correctly configured. Make sure that you have selected the appropriate default country for your store and that the geolocation detection method is set up correctly.

Double-check your tax rules to ensure they are correctly configured. Verify that the tax rules are associated with the correct customer groups and countries, and that the tax rates are accurate.

Check that the tax display settings are configured correctly.

Cached data or cookies might be causing unexpected behavior. Clear your store's cache and your browser cookies to see if that resolves the issue.


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