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Google ads redirect to 404


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I have a problem i cant solbve and its only thing that redirect wrong in my google ads.

When i have a google AD that is redirected to my main page i get 404 error. I found after redirection my ? in url change to &

Its: /pl/&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItovyt92mgAMVjQGLCh3yAQ9AEAAYASAAEgJLTfD_BwE?u...

Should be: /pl/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItovyt92mgAMVjQGLCh3yAQ9AEAAYASAAEgJLTfD_BwE?u...



How can i check if this not acused by some module?

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  • As you suspect, a module might be causing this issue. Disable any URL-related or redirection-related modules that you have installed in PrestaShop. This will help you identify if one of these modules is causing the problem.
  • The .htaccess file in your PrestaShop installation controls the URL rewriting rules. Check if there are any rules related to URL redirection or parameters that could be causing the issue. Make sure the .htaccess file is correctly configured.
  • Since you mentioned the possibility of autotagging causing this issue, review your Google Ads autotagging configuration. If autotagging is enabled, it should add the necessary parameters to your URLs automatically. However, if it's causing issues, you might want to disable it temporarily and manually add the tracking parameters to your URLs in your Google Ads campaigns.
  • In BO go to Preferences -> SEO & URLs. Check your URL configuration settings. Make sure that the "Friendly URL" option is enabled and that your base URL is correctly configured.
  • Create a test campaign in Google Ads with a clean URL that doesn't have any additional parameters. See if the redirection issue still occurs. If it doesn't, it could further indicate that the problem lies with the parameters being appended to the URL.

Before making any changes to your PrestaShop configuration, including disabling modules or editing the .htaccess file, ensure you have a full backup of your website.

Let me know if it helps!


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