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How to set remaining contact form fields as mandatory?

Rúben Martins

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19 hours ago, Rúben Martins said:

Can you provide an example for the phone number and Name as required?

To add phone number field, Add the code something like below :

'phone' => [
  'type' => self::TYPE_STRING,
  'validate' => 'isPhoneNumber',
  'size' => 32,
  'required' => true,

Similarly, the 'name' field already has the 'required' => true attribute present in it.

Clear the cache and check If this works.

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Hi @AddWeb Solution thank you for the feedback,

I've added to the classes/Contact.php and cleared the cache but still does not work.

This is what I've, but with no effect

For reference I've Prestashop


On another test I've commented the email field in the class and does not take any effect, so looks like this validation is done somewhere else? I've looked in the overide folder and theme and can't find anything that is overiding this.

     * @see ObjectModel::$definition
    public static $definition = [
        'table' => 'contact',
        'primary' => 'id_contact',
        'multilang' => true,
        'fields' => [
            'email' => [
                'type' => self::TYPE_STRING,
                'validate' => 'isEmail',
                'size' => 255,
            'customer_service' => [
                'type' => self::TYPE_BOOL,
                'validate' => 'isBool',

            /* Lang fields */
            'name' => [
                'type' => self::TYPE_STRING,
                'lang' => true,
                'validate' => 'isName',
                'required' => true,
                'size' => 255,
            'phone' => [
                'type' => self::TYPE_STRING,
                'validate' => 'isPhoneNumber',
                'size' => 12,
                'required' => true,
            'message' => [
                'type' => self::TYPE_STRING,
                'validate' => 'isCleanHTML',
                'size' => 50,
                'required' => true,


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Try creating a file override/controllers/front/ContactController.php and define the overridden class as follows:


class ContactController extends ContactControllerCore
    public function postProcess()
        // Validate the form fields
        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) {


    private function validateContactForm()
        $requiredFields = array('name', 'email', 'phone', 'message');
        foreach ($requiredFields as $field) {
            if (empty(Tools::getValue($field))) {
                $this->errors[] = $this->trans('The %field% field is required.', array('%field%' => $field), 'Shop.Notifications.Error');

After making this changes, clear the cache and test If it works or atleast reflects the changes.

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