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Product price depending on stock availability

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Is there an addon which modify the price of a product/product with combination related to the stock?

For example, I want to sell product A with combination X (list price 15 EUR) for 10 EUR if stock is grater then 10 pcs, with 12 EUR if stock is between 9 and 3 pcs, and 13 EUR if stock is under 3 pcs and display the list price ( without any discount) if stock is 0. In short, I want to set a price for the product depending of the stock availability.


Thank you for you time!

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Thank you for your answer, but I want something different.

I don't need a module which change the price depending of the quantity the customer wants to buy.

I need a module that display on the product page/product list a different price depending of the stock.

It is similar to the carrier settings, where I can set different prices depending of cart value, for example.

So the price is 10 EUR if the stock is greater than 10. If the customer wants to buy one or ten pcs he will buy them at 10 EUR/ pcs.

If the stock is lower than 10 pcs, the price displayed is 12 EUR/pcs. So if he wants to buy 1 or 9 pcs (presuming the stock is now 9 pcs), he will buy them at 12 EUR/pcs

And so on. The price displayed is different depending of the stock available at the moment the customer wants to buy ( not the moment he put the product in cart - if cart is old and the stock changes, so price changes, the price has to be adjusted to the price according with the stock available at the moment he wants to buy - the cart has to have a time for expire, visible by the customer)

If the stock is 0, the price displayed is the list price or a custom price set by admin.

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