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Logo link on search result page


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Hi guys,

Today I noticed something on the search result page; the logo link refers to an incorrect homepage:

Let me show you:

Go to https://biketubing.com/  and type for example 'Cable Guide' in the search box.

You'll end up here: https://biketubing.com/search?controller=search&s=cable+guide

Now, if you click on the logo top left; the link is: https://biketubing.com/home this page doesn;t exist, so you'll end up on a 404 page.

If on this 404 page or any other page you click on the logo, you'll be directed to the correct homepage link: https://biketubing.com/

As far as I can see, it only occurs on the search result page. No recent updates.

How can I resolve this?

Running on

Thank you for helping!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, at first you can try to clear cache.

Then, you can see, what you have in this file, where the code is: themes\classic\templates\_partials\helpers.tpl

In classic theme it looks like:

{function renderLogo}
  <a href="{$urls.pages.index}">
      class="logo img-fluid"

Also, you can see this file: \themes\classic\templates\_partials\header.tpl

You need to take note to such code here:

<div class="col-md-2 hidden-sm-down" id="_desktop_logo">
          {if $shop.logo_details}
            {if $page.page_name == 'index'}

if Everything is ok, above, then the problem is in the database data. See what you have in Traffic & SEO tab in BackOffice.

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