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Prestashop takes a long time to login to the control panel


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When I login to the control panel of my store (, it takes a long time before showing the panel. Once I have logged in it works at the correct speed and the public web is also fine, it's just the time to enter. what can be happening? It has never been like this before and nothing has been changed.

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When activate debug mode i get this error:


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Tools' not found in /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/classes/db/Db.php:794 Stack trace: #0 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/config/alias.php(47): DbCore->escape('configuration', false) #1 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/config/alias.php(52): pSQL('configuration') #2 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/classes/Configuration.php(155): bqSQL('configuration') #3 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/classes/Configuration.php(209): ConfigurationCore::loadConfiguration() #4 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php(171): ConfigurationCore::get('PS_DISABLE_OVER...') #5 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php(130): PrestaShopAutoload->generateIndex() #6 [internal function]: PrestaShopAutoload->load('Tools') #7 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/config/config.inc.php(85): spl_autoload_call('Tools') #8 /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/admin735cmplmg/index.php(40): require('/furanet/sites/...') #9 {main} thrown in /furanet/sites/asalvo.com/web/htdocs/classes/db/Db.php on line 794

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enable mysql slow log, google if you do not know how or maybe you can ask your hosting provider to do it.

generally long response times (but not always) is related to long mysql calls,  slow log would show you this, generally we use a 2 second threshold.

knowing how to do this will help you debug in the future but also can help improve your front office performance....

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