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View cart button does not work on mobile

Gonzalo Alvarez

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The problem is with the "dropdown-backdrop" div, which only seems to load if the screen is below a certain width (i.e. on mobile).

The z-index for it is set to 990 in your css files, so it's covering everything on the page even though you can't see it. Lowering the z-index to 99 seems to fix it.


Edited by lordignus
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25 minutes ago, Gonzalo Alvarez said:

Hello, I found the selector .dropwdown-backdrop in my theme.css file, then I tried lowering the z-index and also adding more value to it. And neither of those two worked.   I do not know if I am doing something wrong or if the problem is somewhere else.

I think instead of lowering the z-index of that element, it is better to add a higher z-index to that specific button. That is better because you do not know where is it used and it might cause another problems. You are looking for a way to solve an issue with that button, but instead of editing that button you are setting new rules for another element. Keep in mind what you are changing

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