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An unexpected error occurred. [Exception code 0]


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Hello All,


So I had a phone call just a few minutes ago and one of my customers is saying they received an error [Exception Code 0], I went into the back office to try to create a order for the customer and even tried making a order for my test customer and getting this same error, there is no other errors just says An unexpected error occurred. [Exception code 0]


Could anyone point me in the right direction on fixing this, the last thing I was doing was adding suppliers to the back office.

Edited by delconick (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Nickz said:

Server, php version, shop theme, PS version is the least you need to tell us.

Server version: 10.3.31-MariaDB-cll-lve - MariaDB Server

PHP version: 7.3.33

Theme: Grain Food Market Version 3.10.0

Prestashop Version


Edited by delconick (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

I have a similar issue. Can someone help.


PHP version: 7.2.34

I recently had the module v1.4.8-opartlimitquantity for quantity limits. We no longer use this and not sure why this would now happen. The odd thing is this ONLY happens when I change the status of an order for 1 specific product. And there is not difference in the product setup than the others. Looks like a database issue.



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An unexpected error occurred. [PrestaShopDatabaseException code 0]: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '`flysimwa_prestashop`.`od`.`product_quantity` - `flysimwa_prestashop`.`od`.`product_quantity_refunded`'

UPDATE ps_stock_available sa SET sa.reserved_quantity = ( SELECT SUM(od.product_quantity - od.product_quantity_refunded) FROM ps_orders o INNER JOIN ps_order_detail od ON od.id_order = o.id_order INNER JOIN ps_order_state os ON os.id_order_state = o.current_state WHERE o.id_shop = 1 AND os.shipped != 1 AND ( o.valid = 1 OR ( os.id_order_state != 8 AND os.id_order_state != 6 ) ) AND sa.id_product = od.product_id AND sa.id_product_attribute = od.product_attribute_id GROUP BY od.product_id, od.product_attribute_id ) WHERE sa.id_shop = 1 AND sa.id_product IN (SELECT product_id FROM ps_order_detail WHERE id_order = 11183)


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1 hour ago, Customer Service said:


PHP version: 7.2.34

I think your PHP is a tat too low, Try 7.3

Always have backups. Now a similar issue is not enough presta version y and php you have given us, but what happened? 
When did that error appear?

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I am pretty sure it's no the php version. This just showed up after I did 40 so updates for my modules. But I don't think that was the issue. I  purchased 2 new modules and of course like normal you have to contact the dev to see why it has override conflicts. 

Long story short I decided to only use 1 one module and it's fine with no issues.

The bugger is this outdated v1.4.8-opartlimitquantity. It wants me to click update after it is enabled. And if I do that i can no longer click add to cart button. If I try to enable with out update same thing. So I decided to remove it and I get errors removing it. So I went in and manually removed the module folder. Cart works and all other products I can update the status. But this 1 item that sold a lot is the only one this error message pops up. Al though the status changes the error is annoying. So very strange.

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