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[SOLVED] Where can be downloaded Google Analytics module for PS1.7?


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17 ore fa, idnovate.com dice:

Could you clear cache and enable DEBUG mode?

I cleared cache and tried again with debug move enabled.
Here's what i get.

in modules/ps_googleanalytics/ps_googleanalytics.php (line 231)
     *     * @return bool     */    public function install()    {
$moduleHandler = new PrestaShop\Module\Ps_Googleanalytics\Handler\ModuleHandler();
$database = new PrestaShop\Module\Ps_Googleanalytics\Database\Install($this);
return parent::install() &&

in src/Adapter/Module/Module.php (line 249)
        // Casted to Boolean, because some modules returns 1 instead true and 0 instead false.
// Other value types are not expected. See also: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/11442#issuecomment-440485268
// The best way is to check for non Boolean type and `throw \UnexpectedValueException`,
// but it's need much refactoring and testing.
// TODO: refactoring.
$result = (bool) $this->instance->install();
$this->database->set('installed', $result);
$this->database->set('active', $result);
$this->database->set('version', $this->attributes->get('version'));

in src/Core/Addon/Module/ModuleManager.php (line 302)
}        $module = $this->moduleRepository->getModule($name);
$this->checkConfirmationGiven(__FUNCTION__, $module);
$result = $module->onInstall();
$this->dispatch(ModuleManagementEvent::INSTALL, $module);        return $result;

in src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Improve/ModuleController.php (line 561)
            $moduleName = $moduleZipManager->getName($fileUploaded->getPathname());
// Install the module
$installationResponse = [
'status' => $moduleManager->install($fileUploaded->getPathname()),
'msg' => '',
'module_name' => $moduleName,
if ($installationResponse['status'] === null) {

in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php (line 151)
        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS, $event);
$controller = $event->getController();
$arguments = $event->getArguments();
// call controller
$response = \call_user_func_array($controller, $arguments);
// view
if (!$response instanceof Response) {
$event = new GetResponseForControllerResultEvent($this, $request, $type, $response);
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::VIEW, $event);

HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php (line 68)
    public function handle(Request $request, $type = HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true)
$request->headers->set('X-Php-Ob-Level', (string) ob_get_level());
try {
return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof RequestExceptionInterface) {
$e = new BadRequestHttpException($e->getMessage(), $e);
if (false === $catch) {

HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)
in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php (line 200)
$this->resetServices = true;
try {
return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);
} finally {
}    }

Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)
in admin-dg/index.php (line 82)
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();Request::setTrustedProxies([], Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL);try {
require_once __DIR__.'/../autoload.php';
$response = $kernel->handle($request, HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, false);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);} catch (NotFoundHttpException $exception) {
define('ADMIN_LEGACY_CONTEXT', true);    // correct Apache charset (except if it's too late)




Edited by DARKF3D3 (see edit history)
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  • DARKF3D3 changed the title to [SOLVED] Where can be downloaded Google Analytics module for PS1.7?

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