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Apply different taxes to shipping costs according to country


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Hi, I have a tax rule configured in Prestashop that associates multiple countries with different VAT's, for example:

- Germany 19%

- Austria 20%

- Spain 21% VAT

- ...

The default VAT in the store is Austria, what I need is that if a customer buys from Spain the VAT of the customer's country (21%) is applied to the carrier.

Does Prestashop has this feature natively or would I have to resort to some module?


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You would need to geo localize for non logged customers.  See geo targeting pro on addons or our shop.

Now when they enter the cookie country is shop default country.  Do not use ps geo location as it prohibits non resolved ips from shopping.

International shops need smart geo, visitor shipping assurance like Amazon or other international shops.  Start with solid Localization module with highly accurate ip db.  Our module supports two cheap commercial ip read method

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