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[MODULE]Reduce negative Stock in orders - PS 1.6/1.7


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Tired of having negative stock when there is high demand on your site? Do you create promotions for Black Friday or other events and always end up with a negative balance? NegativeStock will help you reduce negative balances by adding a timeout in the purchase process!

How does it work? Simple, when selecting a payment method, a counter will be displayed that redirects back to the cart if the customer does not advance. In high-traffic sites, this helps to avoid negative stock because when returning to the shopping cart, PrestaShop verifies the stock of the products again, and if there is no longer there, it does not allow to advance. Many customers leave the order for hours at the checkout to guarantee the purchase and this generates many times that when they finish it simply generates negative balances.

With this module solve this problem. Besides, you can configure the redirection time as well as the style of the messages and text to be displayed.


Fully configurable

Cross browser


Multiple store






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