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Product disappearing from frontend and backend after saving and exiting

Ryan Scott

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Operating on PrestaShop version:

Been adding products with various combinations and prices with no issue, but after completing several, the following products in which I add are no longer there on the frontend of the store and within the Admin Catalog.

E.g. I have created a new product under ID 4219 - fill out all the necessary info for the product, etc.
Once I have set it in the correct category and set it as online, I return to the catalog page only for said product no longer being visible.

I'm unsure if there is a timeout meaning only a handful of products can be added at any one time or not.

EDIT: Added another product since then, which shows up as ID 4221, so it has still registered the other two products I have added.

Will this issue resolve itself in time?

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The product numbers are produced by an auto-increase field in Mysql. So they will keep increasing no matter whether some products were deleted or not.

There is a field with the name "state" in ps_product that can produce this kind of behavior. When you create a new product this field is initially set to zero and only set to one once you save the product. Only with one is it visible. So it looks like something goes wrong with your saving so that it never gets the one.


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