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[SOLVED] Updating module to : help with .twig and .tpl files

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I have to finish the update of a Prestashop module to print shipping labels (it was working on PS < 1.7.7).
I'm not the original developper of this module.
I have many years of experience as a PHP developer, but never touched a Prestashop instance... and I have to admit I'm quite lost on how to solve this issue !

The module adds two buttons :
- one on the back-office/order page (see screenshot)
- one on the back-office/orders page (see screenshot)


The button on the order page is added with a button.tpl file.
Main module class :

public function hookActionAdminControllerSetMedia() {
        $ajax_link  = $link->getModuleLink('unikshipping', 'FrontAjaxUnik', $parameters);
            'ajax_controller' => $ajax_link,

FrontAjaxUnik.php :

public function displayAjaxUnikAction() {
        $UnikShipping = new UnikShipping();
        $order_id = Tools::getValue('order_id');
        echo $UnikShipping->shipOrderButton($order_id);

Main module class :

public function shipOrderButton($id) {
        return $this->context->smarty

button.tpl :

<span class='btn-group-action'>
	<span class='btn-group'>
		<button style ='margin-right:4px; padding: 6px 2px!important;' type ='button' class='btn btn-default' onclick='$.ajax({
            url: "{$ajax_controller|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}",
            data: {
                order_id: "{$id|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}",

This button is working perfectly !


But the button on the orders page is added with a mymodule_button.html.twig file.

Main module class:

public function hookActionOrderGridDefinitionModifier(array $params) {
        $definition = $params['definition'];
                    (new HtmlTypeColumn('wk_button'))
                        ->setName($this->l('Unik Shipping'))
                            'ModuleClass' => new UnikShipping(),
                            'custom_text' => $this->ship_trans

class HtmlTypeColumn extends AbstractColumn :

public function getType() {
    return 'mymodule_button';

mymodule_button.html.twig :

<a href="https://www.google.com" class="btn btn-primary pointer">
    <i class="icon-user"></i> {{ column.options.custom_text }}

Basically, I have to replace the google.com href with an Ajax call, but I need the order id to do that and I have no clue on how the get it !


I tried Googling "prestashop twig get order id" and "prestashop twig get var" but couldn't sort it out.

order page.png

orders page.png

Edited by Adrien74100
solved (see edit history)
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Well, there are to ways to do this, here are some pointers to them:

1.  Prevent that link to be executed and replace it with an Ajax call to the corresponding AdminController's action.

2. The Symfony way, replace the URL with a route name you specify in your module's route.yml, the route will call the same AdminController's action.

You'll find more about this on https://devdocs.prestashop.com/

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Thanks for your answer and your help !

I see how to change the button behavior, to make an Ajax call (like in the button.tpl file onclick="...").
But my problem is that I need the order ID to make this Ajax call, and I don't know how to get this in the twig file ?

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I was finally able to get the order ID to make the Ajax call work : {{ record.id_order }} in the twig file.
Sounds quite simple but I had hard times finding it...

Do you know a way of dumping all the variables available in a twig file ?
I found {{ dump() }} while Googling but it throws a fatal error...

Last thing I need to do is hiding the "ship" button if the order is already shipped.
And to do that, I have to find the "status" variable in the twig file, to add an if statement.

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  • Adrien74100 changed the title to [SOLVED] Updating module to : help with .twig and .tpl files

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