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Select products by tag

rita silva

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Here is an example. 
Let's say you have an item called Cola and one called Pepsi. You add the tag soda to the Pepsi Product. In the description of Cola, you write, "enjoy the fresh and tasty soda". Even though only Pepsi has the tag, soda cola will appear because it's in the description. You might want to change the search behavior.

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On 2/6/2021 at 6:32 PM, Amin Vatandoust said:

Hi. Try this url:


and change the TagName to your tag. so it will be something like


Hi there. Thanks for your help! It doesn't work with the url you mentioned, but I tried with "/search?controller=search&tag=TagName" and works...can I simplify my url in the prestashop definitions?

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