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Pack Quantity Error in


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1.7.7 has fixed a couple of issues with Packs of products, but it's still not quite there!

Product A qty = 15

Product A "Pack" of 12 = 1

This is correct, and if 4 Product A are sold, Pack then shows 0.

The BUG?

When more Product A comes into stock, we go "Catalogue/Stocks" and update. So lets say 32 more come in, the total is now 43 so this should be 3 Packs available. However, the Pack QTY still shows 0 until we go "Catalogue/Products" and open (to edit) the Pack. When we do this, the Pack QTY updates to 3 automatically, so we then hit SAVE and everything is good again. But with over 100 Pack on our site, and some products appearing in multiple packs, we can't be doing this every time!


In my mind, what should happen is we add 32 to Product A in Catalogue/Stocks, then all Packs which rely on this product then automatically adjust as required. It's nearly working because as soon as the Pack is edited it recognises the correct QTY.

All our packs are set to "Default - Reduce product in pack only) so I have not tested other combinations.

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