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Turkish character problem


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I saw that the letters "ö" and "ü" did not work in categories and in some pictures, more precisely, "oe", "ue" reflected the word "uec". How can I solve this ? As I said, some category and image names (when creating only sitemap in images) some are ok.


If you want to examine, you can take a look at "https://incikirtasiye.com/tr-sitemap.xml".

Thank you!

Edited by ACG- (see edit history)
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On 1/16/2021 at 2:32 PM, musicmaster said:

It looks ok to me. Maybe you are just looking in an editor that doesn't recognize unicode


Thanks for your answer. As I mentioned, some urls work fine, but some are unfortunately broken. One of them:1606672487_EkranAlnts.thumb.PNG.ec445a0bc480956990a890bf738b1e33.PNG

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1 hour ago, musicmaster said:


The setting here forces it to use Turkish characters. but this is a negative thing for SEO. For example, I want to print out the letters ö as o, but it outputs that way "oe".

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