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Free orders redirecting to order history

Sergio Pernas

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When you apply a voucher that makes tha total cart amount reach zero you get a free order. I found in OrderConfirmationController class that it's treated somewhat differently than other orders. But instead of redirecting to order confirmation it redirects to order history. I also found in the forum that it also happened in 1.6 (and a solution), but I'm on 1.7.6.

I want to redirect to order confirmation, and not to order history. How can I do it?

Thanks a lot, Sergio

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  • 11 months later...
1 hour ago, ndiaga said:

The  how  I  will  tell  if  he  ask  me. 

that is not the correct answer, does not even make sense, why not say I will do better?

it's not up to the poster to ask you for the 'how' because you  did not provide, that's ridiculous answer.

I'm not in mood to bump heads, but if you want to push it I'm go all in...

Either post quality or don't answer.  got it?

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