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Cronjob for produt's index rebuild require authentication

Antonio Caccese

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Hi, I need to setup a cronjob for rebuild the search index of poducts.

I've installed the cron in the cpanel cron manager:


as is shown in the search configurations in prestashop shop parameters. In cPanel i have:

    wget -q -O -  https://www.MY-DOMAIN.com/admin602gy6fgf/index.php?controller=AdminSearch&action=searchCron&ajax=1&full=1&token=vQ3TSk2r&id_shop=1 > /dev/null 2>&1

When the cron runs i receive a mail from cpanel with the output of the call, in this output i can see the html of the prestashop login form.
So i think that there is some authentication problem.

If i execute the URL directly in the browser (even i'm not authenticated) the search index is correctly rebuild.

Why does this happen? How can I solve?



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