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Customized product in cart does not reduce available stock


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I have the following problem:
I have a product with an entry field type 'Text' (e.g. 'Name') in the Customization (Tab 'Options').
When the user enters something in this field and add the customized product to the shopping cart, the available quatity /quantity on stock is not reduced.
The user is able to add customized products to the cart without any limit.
Even if the stock of the product is only 2, the user can add the customized product 5 times and is able to order the 5 products!
Please see my attached hardcopies.

All customized product in the cart should reduce the available quantity of this product.
Otherwise the user can create orders for more than the available product quantity.

I use Version

Can anybody help me in this?
Thank you very much

Kind regards

Customized products in cart - product still available.pdf

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