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Brands/Manufacturer list page but only from one specific category


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Good Morning everyone,

I'd like to ask for a solution to my problem with brands-list page. I'd like to customize it so I can call it filtered by an specífic product category.

The idea is whe we click on a menu link it should go to my brands-list page but showing only those with products in it.
So if I click in "Women" I should get a list of the brands/manufacturers in "women" only, not all the brands in my shop (for example those in men category).

Hope somebody can give me the right path to go because I couldn't reach the perfect solution.

Thanks in advanced


I leave the link to the same post in the spanish forum.


Edited by zenerry (see edit history)
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I don't know what is your Prestashop version but faceted search module must be able to generate a specific link with filters you want. If you want to include all products of a "women" brand, you can enable this filter for the whole website (on root category ID 2) and copy URL to your menu link (if I'm understanding well).

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You are right, this could be an solution, but what we really need is prior to getting that URL,

We need a page with the list of names, or the thumbnails from the brands inside this category.

Other way to tell you that:

We need the same page of https://xxxxx.xx/brands but there should only appear the brands inside https://xxxxx.xx/3-ropa-mujer for example.

I still hope for help

Thanks in advanced.


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