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Refund Request Ignored


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I purchased a premium template about a month ago, only to find that it was full of errors. From the minute I installed it I had to disable ProductComments to remove the 500 error and get into the back office. I then received multiple errors when working on the megamenu. The develop eventually provided me with a fix, only to find an error in the fix. I repaired that error myself, but with at least 3 other errors, I decided I could not trust this template to a live site (thank goodness I was only testing it in WAMP). The developer of course refused a refund unless I went live with the template so they could see it, which didn't make any sense to me, but I could not trust my web site to a template with so many errors. I contacted Prestashop twice telling them of my situation and requested a refund, but I have received no reply. I have since purchased another template that is working well. I have purchased many modules over the years and feel very let down by Prestashop! I made a screen copy of every error, so I have that to back up my request for a refund.


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My problem is with a template, not a module, and I didn't modify it, it had problems from the moment I installed it. But whether it is a module or a template, if it doesn't work correctly you should be able to discuss it with Prestashop and have them take you seriously. I am sure all of us who sell products using these templates and modules refund our customs that are not satisfied with a purchase. If you purchased using PayPal you could dispute the purchase. That is what I am going to do if Prestashop don't help. I am going to let the developer know first though, in the hope they will reverse their decision and refund the transaction.

Thanks for replying.

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