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Combination - Attributes Text Order & Sorting


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When I am looking at a product combination, even if I use the "combine several attributes" field to generate a list of combinations, how the attributes are ordered and sorted are not consistent.

I would really like for the combinations to be some organized list so it is easier to find/remove the specific combination.
Is there a plugin that will re-organize my combinations?

Potential Solutions I would like:

  • If color is listed first, then combinations with the same color are organized together (ex: White first, then Graphite, then Smokey Blue)
  • If size is listed first, then combinations with the same size are organized together (ex: Small first, then Medium, then Large)


  1. Color - White, Size Both - All Purpose
  2. Color - White, Size Both - Pony All Purpose
  3. Color - White, Size Both - Pony Dressage (currently on row 5, but would like it on row 3)


  1. Size Both - Pony Dressage, Color White (row 5, reorganized the order of the attributes listed in the text)
  2. Size Both - Pony Dressage, Color Graphite
  3. Size Both - Pony Dressage, Color - Smokey Blue



Screenshot example of how I wish all my combination lists were organized


Edited by kdash1228 (see edit history)
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