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Show correct breadcrumb in PS


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I am using PS and have notice something interesting. Idea of breadcrumb is to show you how you reach your current location on a website. Unfortunately - in PS it is displayed as a location of a product in categories. For example:

1. home\category1\category2\product_name - this is how it is at the moment, no matter how you reach the product

2. home\product_name - this is how it should be, if you put your product on the index page

3. home\manufacturer_name\product_name - this is how it should be, if you reach the product from manufactutere's page

4. home\landing_page\product_name - this is how it should be, if you have the product on a landing page and you reach it from there.

Do you have any idea, how this could be fixed?

Thank you in advance.



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