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Configure Shop for rental-business


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Dear Presta-Users,

we are new to Prestashop. It looks great, but I am not sure wether we can adjust it to our specific needs, as we are not running a classical online-shop, but a event-equipment rental business. 

Our customers will NOT "buy" or "book" something via the online "shop"-page, but just put all the stuff they need in a "shopping"-basket and send it as an ENQUIRY.  Therefore, we need to configure the system in some specific aspects "different" - and I would be very happy about some experts answer, if this is possible with Presta, as I could not figure out so fare:

We need:
- Check-Out-Process without selecting any payment-method and without giving shipping-information - as it is only an (informal) enquiry
- Defining individual "customer groups" for different pricing. Background: For most articles, we offer three options ("collection by customer", "delivery" and "delivery + service") with different prices. So the customer should be able to select his "customer group" out of the three to show him the correct costs per article

Are those two things possible with presta?

Thank you presta-nerds for answering!





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they are very possible, first go to addon's look for module with features you desire.  look at quote/rental modules....

what you ask for is not terribly difficult, you will also need to edit/manage order, submit later payment etc.  so there are a few moving parts but PS can support that product vertical.

will you be able to do yourself?  yes, if you us ps addons but you may require some customization....

if successful business already you should consider PS agency to build it.

happy building, el

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