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[solved] Loading time (initContent & display) in second language - Prestashop 1.7


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Hello everyone,

Has anyone ever encountered this problem on Prestashop 1.7 :

In french language (the main one), the loading time is ok, not perfect but ok, but when I switched to english, the second language of the site, the loading time is just... incredible!
I mean... In french, it loads in 2s, in english more than 39s.

The times for initContent and display are so slow (see screenshots attached)!

Is this a module problem? Or a Core problem (I use Prestashop

Thanks if you have any suggestion!

Capture d’écran 2019-09-25 à 18.37.27.png

Capture d’écran 2019-09-25 à 18.37.20.png

Edited by jbornerand (see edit history)
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After seeking for a long time on forums I found this http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-4878

I tested, and importing a new language with Prestashop's importing tool worked fine.
Is there any change to find a fix for this?

I can't remove my language, since I (and my client) worked for days on products & theme translations... 



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Ok I found a solution.

For those who are experiencing the same situation.

Go to PhpMyAdmin, table : ps_lang

Delete the line with the lang that has problems, in my case ID: 2 (english / en-US).
Go to your admin > International > Localization and import the pack United States or the language that had problems (as the language isn't present anymore in the database, the import is possible).

When import is completed, the new imported language will have the ID : 3. Then go back to PhpMyAdmin, table ps_lang, and update the ID of the new language from 3 to 2 (to link all translations created before via administration or theme).

The site is workin really fast in my second language now (see screenshot), and all the translations have been kept!!


Capture d’écran 2019-09-26 à 11.12.36.png

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