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About selin

  • Birthday 11/17/1991

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    Web development agency

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  1. faceted version 3.4.1 i also did rebuild.
  2. hi everyone some products price are diffrent on admin and store. prestashop 1.7 and default theme they dont have any private price combination etc. It is price is 1.51 on admin but on store it is seem 1 i tried two round types also, it did not change :(
  3. Hi everyone, I want to show price tax inc. of net profit and sales on admin dashboard stats. (By default its tax exc.) How can I do this? Thanks!
  4. Okay. I already tried but... :/ For example, how can I setup this rule: If the cart total is >= 200 and has 3 different products, apply %10 discount. thanks!
  5. hello, I want to disable automatically setting combination. because I want to show cover image on store. But If the products have combinations with images, P.S does not care the cover image. How can I show the cover image on search and category page? thanks!
  6. Guys! I discover something: If the product has any combinations, P.S forces the URL rewrite .com/product_id-combination_id-name-of-product If I delete the combination ID from URL, PS adds again combination id automaticly and just shows one image that is img of combination. for ex: .com/124-22-name try to open .com/123-name it will be again: .com/123-name I don't want to force the URL. I think, that time; the problem will be solved. thanks :/
  7. agency Report post Posted just now Hi Nishith, If I disable the combinations, all images are showed. But If I enable the attributes with images, showing just one image. I want to show all images when the product detail page is first loaded, then If I select a color, one image can be showed: it's okay. Well, It's already okay as you said: {if $product.cover} <img class="js-qv-product-cover" src="{$product.cover.bySize.large_default.url}" alt="{$product.cover.legend}" title="{$product.cover.legend}" style="width:100%;" itemprop="image"> <div class="layer hidden-sm-down" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#product-modal"> <i class="material-icons zoom-in">&#xE8FF;</i> </div> {else} <img src="{$urls.no_picture_image.bySize.large_default.url}" style="width:100%;"> {/if} BUT: Although the photo is not shown, photos are not shown. <ul class="product-images js-qv-product-images"> {foreach from=$product.images item=image} <li class="thumb-container"> <img class="thumb js-thumb {if $image.id_image == $product.cover.id_image} selected {/if}" data-image-medium-src="{$image.bySize.medium_default.url}" data-image-large-src="{$image.bySize.large_default.url}" src="{$image.bySize.home_default.url}" alt="{$image.legend}" title="{$image.legend}" width="100" itemprop="image" > </li> {/foreach} </ul> Thanks!
  8. Hello, How can I get all product images on the product tpl. I need it because: PS shows just one image on product detail page. (if it has combinations). see please.
  9. Yes, but I did not. Could you explain please? Thanks, have a nice year!
  10. top! There are 20 images, but PS just showing one products on product detail page. (if it has combinations) how can I show all images when the product page first loaded?
  11. Hi everyone! I uploaded a lot of images and selected one of them is cover image. Then, I inserted a few attributes (with images) also selected one of them default attribute. The image just showing that image of attribute? Category, search and also product detail pages. Why and how can I do solve this? Thanks
  12. hello guys! I want to apply discount to cart like this: If the cart total is >= 200 and has 3 different products, apply %10 discount. how can I do this?
  13. also, this screen on the hompage Featured products tab - v1.2.0 -MyPresta.eu
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