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    Waynesville, Ohio
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    Web development agency

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  1. This was solved in another post. I placed this one in the wrong spot. I just needed to go into the Design->Positions and unhook all the places the Link List had been hooked when I was playing around with it. Thank you.
  2. Hello Mr. Tengler, YEP! That was all I had to do. For anyone who may have this happen to them. This is what fixed the left over <div>'s - As Mr. Tengler pointed out, I went to Design->Positions. - I filled the All Modules field with the option of Link List. Each hook it was still placed in I just unhooked it except for the Footer - Refreshed my browser and all it well. Thank you very much. 🙂
  3. Hello, I'm using v 1.7.4 classic theme My product page has lost its format about 2 hours ago while I was not working on it. The product image had been shoved to the right making the summary and description tabs move below the image and a bit to the left. What I had been doing was experimenting with the Link List Widget to see what my Content Links would look like at the top of my page and also in the left hand column of the product page.... In trying to debug the product page with the console I noticed a <div> in two places I did not recognize as part of my product page. It was the following: <div class="col-med-4 links>...</div>. When I scrolled over it a marker pointed to an empty spot with a blue line across it on the product page with the perfect width to be shoving my image over. When I scrolled over the other occurrence of this same <div> another marker pointed to a spot above the header which also was empty but with a line. In both these places I had tried placing my link list but then decided against it and placed it back in the footer. Could it be that some type of invisible <div> is still there? How do I resolve this in order to put my product page back in order. I've attached the screenshot of my product page with the debug console. Thank you for any much appreciated help.
  4. I've been troubleshooting and this is a clue. Another change I had TRIED to make before the layout of the product page changed was to move one of the link blocks using the Link Widget to different places around my site. I decided each place I moved it I did not like and I put it back to the footer. One place I had moved it was to DisplayLeftColumn. In the debug console I see the following <div class="col-med-4 links>....</div> in two places as you can see in the image attached. Then in the left hand column of my product page when I scroll over the <div> in the console a marker points to the div on the product page just to the left of the image. When I scroll over the other links div at the top of the console another marker points to a place at the very top of the page which is where I also experimented with placing my link list. Could it be that an invisible 'div' is still in my product page and if so how do I get it out. Has anyone else ever experimented moving the Link List around and then having trouble with formatting? I hope someone can help me because the page is product page is very ugly now. thank you.
  5. Hello, Somehow my product page image and description have moved and I did not directly change the layout. My last change was in the custom css file to change the background. I am using prestashop v. 1.7.4 with the classic theme. I've checked all the tpl files I can think of that have to do with the product page but they have not even changed today. Before I started working on the background the product page was fine. I sure would appreciate it if anyone knows how I would get this back to its original format; i.e. the product image on the left with the description and summary right next to it on the right. Thank you.
  6. Hello. Today I purchased the module Gallery Sliders Everywhere 1.8.5 (v1.8.5-galslidereverywhere). I am developing with Prestashop (prestashop_1.7.4.2). I believe I have purchased the correct version of the module. However I am having a hard time configuring it. I have found a tutorial named, "Slider Everywhere 1.2 - slide builder demo by Zdeno Kuzmany but the navigation is so different from what I have I cannot follow it. I will continue to search for information on how to install my version but if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it. PS. I've tried to follow the directions in the module itself but my galleries are not showing up. Thank you.
  7. Hello, I've created a custom module to create a new homepage layout for my customers site based on their requirements. Here is my test environment. www.dropinadventure.com/GCE_Final This module uses a great deal of javascript which I have placed in my module structure: modules/myslider/js However now none of the presta shop javascript is functioning. If you notice the menu item for "MINDMOBILE" it does nothing when you scroll over it. It should have a dropdown as I've added a product and a thumbnail image. Also when you click on the MINDMOBILE button to go to that page you will notice the left column 'Categories' block is not functioning properly. I have my module hooked into the home hook as follows. public function hookDisplayHome($params) { $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path.'css/myslider.css', 'all'); $this->context->controller->addjs($this->_path.'/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js', 'all'); $this->context->controller->addjs($this->_path.'jssor.core.js', 'all'); $this->context->controller->addjs($this->_path.'js/jssor.utils.js', 'all'); $this->context->controller->addjs($this->_path.'js/jssor.slider.js', 'all'); $this->context->controller->addjs($this->_path.'js/mySlider.js', 'all'); $this->context->smarty->assign( array( 'my_module_name' => Configuration::get('MYMODULE_NAME'), 'my_module_link' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink('myslider', 'display') ) ); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'myslider.tpl'); } Does anyone know why this type javascript overthrow may be happening and how I can fix it so that all javascript executes? Thank you
  8. Funny, that is what I'm working on right now. The shipping price seemed to be incredibly high. I had to fool around with the configuration of the module. I decided to say that the product is lighter than it really is, then I placed: Packaging Size = Regular Packaging Type = SM Flat Rate Box Machinable = False Calculation Mode = All items in one box And now the price is just under $6.00 in State and $10.00 across the country. I still think that's high but not sure what else to do.
  9. Hello jakego, I had this same problem using USPS. I can not help yet with the free shipping as I'm still trying to fix that too. But I finally fixed the no carriers issue. Here are the steps I took. 1) Disabled Advanced Stock Management 2) Deleted all carriers in the Shipping -> Carriers menu tab in presta shop. So you are kinda starting over. I made sure that list was empty. 3) Uninstalled the USPS Module 4) Reinstalled the USPS Module 5) Configured the Module and only the Module. I did not go back into shipping or an of the specific products. Just let the module take care of things. I did not even go to any of the categories or products to set up shipping. Just left it alone. 6) Cleared out cache and bring up a new browser and go to load the store. 7) Started over with my test to put something in my cart and check out. 8) Now there are options for the carrier. I really hope this works for you because this was something that kinda made my head hurt. :-)
  10. Thank you. I did end up turning off the Advanced Stock Management. Then I deleted all the Carriers in Shipping-> Carriers menu I uninstalled the USPS module I reinstalled the USPS module I configured the USPS module and now it is working. At least it is populating the Carrier Options. Now onto the next problem. Blank page on shipping in checkout :-( I suppose that is another topic though.
  11. That worked. Thank you very much. For those who need a step by step answer this is what I did. 1) Disabled Advanced Stock Management 2) Deleted all carriers in the Shipping -> Carriers menu tab in presta shop. 3) Uninstalled the USPS Module 4) Reinstalled the USPS Module 5) Configured the Module and only the Module. I did not go back into shipping or an of the specific products. 6) Cleared out cache 7) Started over with my test to put something in my cart and check out. 8) Now there are options for the carrier. Thank you for you help.
  12. Did you ever fix this? I'm having the exact same problem with the USPS module. I can not get it to work. Unlike you, I've never gotten it to work at all. What did you do to get it back? I've done all you said you did and I still have so many problems. I have not carriers in my list and I get a blank page if I try to go to the shipping page. Please let me know how you fixed it. The customer is expecting to start selling by Oct. 1. Thank you.
  13. I have also been struggling with this for three days. I believe I just do not understand how to get this configured. I'm very confused between the presta shop shipping menu under the products tab and the USPS module as well as the advanced stock option. I feel like I need to just start over because I"ve made so many changes I'm losing track of where I am. Does anyone one have a STEP by STEP instruction set as to how to get the USPS module working such that I no longer receive 'No carrier has been made available for this selection.' and the 'Free Shipping' I am losing a great deal of time on it and someone out there must know how to do it. One person solves it by turning ON the 'Advenace Stock' and another solved it by turning it off. How is that? Please help. Thank you
  14. Hello, I'm having the exact questions about the difference between the USPS module and the presta shop menu for shipping and carrier set up. I've received my ID from USPS. I've performed the Request and Response test with the XML tags. I've called them and received permission to be on the production server. Now I've tried to configure the USPS module with all the weight, pricing and shipping information for my products. When I check out it still says free shipping and that no carrier has been made available for this selection. I am confused as to where I'm not filling something out correctly. Did you ever resolve this problem? If so could you please help me figure it out. I'm supposed to have this up and running for my client in about 2 weeks. I've been on this problem for 3 days and have not found an answer. I thank you in advance. Sorry, forgot to mention that I'm running 1.6
  15. Thank you. I have javascript files in the javascript folder and a css file on the css folder. I have added this code to the cmsControlloer.php: except I have replaced the names of my real files. And '6' is the id of my cms page. if ((int)Tools::getValue('id_cms') == 4 || (int)Tools::getValue('id_cms') == 6) { $this->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'yourjsfile.js'); $this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'yourcssfile.css'); } It seems no matter what I do the cleaner will still come and take out my style link and comment out the javascript. I'm thinking about just learning how to write a module and somehow connecting that to my cms page.....would that work? Thank you so much for your help. I'm always amazed how you are very quick to reply to everyone.
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