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    Web development agency

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  1. Hi Vekia! Can this be done from a Module / php file? rename the admin folder to a new name? can I use: $target = PS_ADMIN_DIR; $newAdmin = "admin"; rename($target, $newAdmin);
  2. hi there! well this is what I do to get it work: 1. on my ps installation ( I have "AdminThemesController.php" in the override folder (/override/controllers/admin/templates/). I have to delete this file, and after that I delete the "class_index.php" file under folder (/cache/). I reload the shop and I can see all my templates made in prestashop version (
  3. Try to delete the cache_index.php file under the cache folder and reload the shop after that. It worked for me.
  4. Hi there! I have this code: $bvkmodules=Module::getModulesInstalled(); foreach($bvkmodules AS $i=>&$m){ if($mi=Module::getInstanceByName($m['name'])){ $m['displayName']=$mi->displayName; }else{ unset($bvkmodules[$i]); } } and on my tpl: <select name="bvkmodule"> {foreach from=$bvkmodules item=bvkmodule} <option value="{$bvkmodule.name}">{$bvkmodule.displayName}</option> {/foreach} </select> It display all modules that is installed in my shop, but what I want is to display is also all the modules in the modules folder and that is not installed. How can I change this code to make me display what I want?
  5. Hi Vekia! thank you for your replay. I will have a look at this... I do have another question. I´m doing 3 differents themes under a single installation of prestashop, where I also have develop a simple module to override css live . One problem that I have right now is how to load specifics modules to each theme? What I have done untill now is that I have transplant a module to a new created hook and then with css I have use display:none for the themes that not using this module. Everytime I change to a new theme I have to rehook the modules. Is there any better solution for this?
  6. Hi there! I´m new at using prestashop. I´m having problem when coping an existing module, like new products block, and then hook it to displayRightColumn. When doin this I get a blank page. this is what I have done: 1. copying the new products block folder and rename it. 2. rename php and tpl file. 3. change in php, tpl file from blocknewproducts to blocknewproductsNew 4. hooked to displayRightColumn 5. the result i a blank page. What have I done wrong?
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