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Yundar YK

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    Jogjakarta Istimewa - Indonesia
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  1. Makasih Mas @dosbiner, saya coba dulu yakk.. dulu pingin saya hapus, tapi takut error.. Makasih Mas.. :)
  2. Siang para Master, saya mendisable bahasa inggris dan mensetting bahasa indonesia menjadi default. Kemudian saya posting item, tapi nama produknya di dasboard menjadi N/A, kenapa ya? mohon bantuannya.. Thx
  3. how to delete 2 digit numbers after the decimal point? Please help me masters here ... Thank you
  4. Im installed PS 1.6 with Xampp 3 years ago, but now I install PS 1.7 with Xampp which is quite difficult. To install the latest xampp requires high requirements like win 10, and an internet connection must be there. In my village there is no internet connection, maybe this is what makes Prestashop unstable. I gained a lot of knowledge in this forum, Thank you all
  5. Siang para Mastah, mau tanya ini, cara menghilangkan desimal 2 digit di belakang koma gimana ya? coding dikit gapapa tapi yang mudah ya, kalo di PS 1.4 - 1.6 ada di curency kalo di PS 1.7.x Malah di ilangin sama Prestashop Hadeehh.. MOhon bantuannya para mastah disini.. terima kasih Gambar :
  6. Betul Mas, saya juga nyoba opencart malah gampang error, magento tak lihat sekilas lebih susah juga. Paling simple memang prestashop, ga gampang error, stabil, jarang kena hack, cocok buat orang yang ga bisa coding.. Alhamdulillah sudah tak instal langsung di hosting via FTP Mas, sekitar 30 menit sudah beres, bisa jadi malah tanpa bug.. kalo lewat XAMPP rentan trouble.. buat pengalaman ke depan nanti.. Makasih Mas Dosbiner.. sukses buat bisnisnya ya.. :)
  7. I think not install in XAMPP, will be a lot of bug problems and this will waste my time. I directly install PS on Hosting and BOOM.. Within 30 minutes all finished smoothly and quickly.. Sorry I'm still learning about Prestashop..
  8. Kok tambah berat gini yaa, saya cuma orang jualan aja. kenapa cms prestashop kok tambah susah.. T T semoga udah stabil untuk 3 tahun kedepan..
  9. Yes right, I want to install everything from the beginning, for customer data does not yet exist. Yesterday I installed PS, and tomorrow I installed it clean to PS ... I hope this is successful. Later if there is a problem I ask again .. Thank you very much for helping me .. ^ ^
  10. Thank you for your help :), I want to install PS 17.6.4 first, before I use PS, and upload it to hosting, hopefully this works .. Thank you for helping ..
  11. I also can't access it in the admin, using prestashop version 1.7 makes me dizzy, stressed, different from the previous version. I'm just a trader, not a programmer ...
  12. I uploaded Prestashop website yesterday on DreamHost hosting, after setting in parameter.php (PRESTASHOP 1.7.3) and setting in the database, after I access this error, bro. Please help, why? (URGENT) Thank you
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