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  1. Hi, I've a general question about overriding the default behavior of Prestashop like: OrderControllers, if it possible if I could override the same controller in different modules and all modules overridden controllers has it's own properties, it is possible if all changes will modify the default behavior and start showing the new changes by different modules using the same controller? I know we can't override the same method in different module but if I need to override how can I achieve it? Let say, renderView() function for OrderController, can I override the same function in different modules? I want to user renderView function and want to obtain all the variables defined in different modules to be use at once. Please help seniors.
  2. Hi Paul, Yes, it's a paid one, I just put it here, if someone looking for this kind of module/addons to extend their shop features.
  3. Remind your customer for any important announcement you have, this module will spice up your shop by creating HTML based FalshBox (lightweight like bootstrap) anywhere in the store This Module will include any html based message/alerts/announcements to the shop for your customers. With FlashBox Module, enterprises of any size have the opportunity to deliver real time annoucements. Why to use FlashBox? Because it's: Easy Accessible Fast and easy to relocate the position and message type Convenience Lightweight (which dont' effect the overall performance of the shop) Wide range of alerts format features which turned your messages/alerts or annoucements using CSS in (Information message (Blue), Error Message (Red), Success Message (Green), Warning Message (Orange) or Regular Message (Gray)). Simple to create, edit, delete or hide and manipulate FlashBoxes Easy to hook and unhook from specified locations like (leftColumn, rightColumn, topPages etc...) http://addons.prestashop.com/en/front-office-features-prestashop-modules/17165-flashbox-html-module.html Let me know your thoughts, enjoy
  4. Hi, I would like to add an external variable in employee context array, how to add additional variable in employee array? Let's say I wanted to add something like this: $context->employee['accessVerified'] = true; so later I could access that variable somewhere in admin like: if($context->employee->accessVerified) ... Please help. Thanks,
  5. Hi, I'm overriding attribute and values form at Admin area, I need multiple selection menu which is working fine now the thing is array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => $this->l('Disable the following services:'), 'name' => 'attribute_disable[]', 'required' => false, 'size' => 25, 'multiple' => true, 'options' => array( 'query' => Attribute::getAttributes($this->context->language->id), 'id' => 'id_attribute', 'name' => 'name', 'selected' =>'selected', 'default' => array( 'value' => '', 'label' => $this->l(' ') ), ), 'desc' => $this->l(' Use CTRL+CLICK to select several, selected services will be disabled'), ), Now everything is working fine, I'm saving data in DB like: 11,21,23,34,35 for that "attribute_disable" but thing is how could I select the DB saved values in Admin panel controller? I can get the attribute_disable = 11,21,23,34,35 in a string format but don't know how to check that element that is saved in DB to be selected once I go to edit page in admin area. like: if($attibute_disable = $multiple_select_loop_value) //111,222,333 { <option value='111' selected='selected'>abc1 xyz</option> <option value='222' selected='selected'>abc2 xyz</option> <option value='333' selected='selected'>abc3 xyz</option> } I'm using PS 1.5.5 there's no documentation about that, please help as it's urgent. Thanks,
  6. Never mind, I did a trick: I was using SEO friendly URL, I turned it Off and then refreshed the frontend now everything is working fine except some CSS and other files has replaced which I could fix it but at my end things are working, I don't know if this is the cache problem or default installation problem. GOOD LUCK!
  7. I'm trying hard to get this done from yesterday but no success, I even did manual upgrade now I can see admin area but my frontend yelling at me saying: ERROR 404 Any precious suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Hi, After upgrading to 1.5.5 from 1.5.4 with the suggested settings (manual upgrade as 1-Click Upgrade doing nothing) I can see admin panel but whenever I tried to access my store's frontend it says Error 404. I even cleared the cached, index cached file, and all settings are ok I don't know why it giving me error 404. Please help!
  9. Hi, Could you please simplify your procedure? I'm not sure which file to replaced with? Thanks and appreciated!
  10. Hi, I'm trying hard to upgrade PS from 1-Click Upgrade but as soon as I land on that module page, I can see the console error: ReferenceError: help_class_name is not defined if (help_class_name == "adminorders") What does that mean? Any senior could help me please? Thanks, Nadeem
  11. I simply did this trick: =>module/blockcart/blockcart.tpl near line 38 changed the varible value from Free Shipping to Login Required var freeShippingTranslation = '{l s='Login Required!' mod='blockcart' js=1}'; Once the customer is logged in he/she could see the actual shipping price. I hope this tweak will help
  12. Thanks Vekia, Here is the test case: - Created a new Tax Rule with name Canada1 - Access the Tax Rule listing page - Search the can to filter out the result to see only records having can - Now click the searched record and it gives something like that error. SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.* , c.`name` AS country_name, s.`name` AS state_name, CONCAT_WS(" - ", a.`zipcode_from`, a.`zipcode_to`) AS zipcode, t.rate FROM `ps_tax_rule` a LEFT JOIN `ps_country_lang` c ON (a.`id_country` = c.`id_country` AND id_lang = 1) LEFT JOIN `ps_state` s ON (a.`id_state` = s.`id_state`) LEFT JOIN `ps_tax` t ON (a.`id_tax` = t.`id_tax`) WHERE 1 AND `id_tax_rules_group` = 61 AND `name` LIKE '%can%' ORDER BY id_tax_rules_group ASC LIMIT 0,50 It's Glitch to my knowledge. If you don't set any filter and simply go to next page and click any record, it will show the desired results.
  13. Hi Fabian, I'm newbie too in this arena I'm trying to add a new hook for product page, actually I wanted to copy the product price and Add to cart button + useful links (facebook, add to fav and print buttons) at the end of product page too after attributes. There are pb-right-column and pb-left-column for price and useful links. I don't want to hack the core but wanted to create our own hook so in future if we wanted to remove that think, we can simply unhook from BO. What I figured out is to create a manual entry in ps_hooks table (I'm using PS 1.5.4) Wanted to override the frontController file by definging another class in override/front/frontOverrideClass there I'll be defining a new line of code with my newPositionHook under initContent() function then I'll be using that smarty assigned variable for newPositionHook in proudct.tpl page and using it at the bottom of products attribute content where I wanted to show that new things. Please guide me am I doing that right so is there any clean solution for that? Thanks, Nadeem
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